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Donington Park, UK – July 14, 2024 – Nicole van Aswegen faced challenging weather conditions and a new circuit at the second round of the Inaugural FIM Women’s World Championship held at Donington Park. Despite these obstacles, Nicole showcased her determination and skill, delivering commendable performances in both races over the weekend.

The changing weather during qualifying proved to be a significant challenge for Nicole, who had only practiced in dry conditions. This resulted in her starting 18th on the grid for the first race. Despite the setback, Nicole remained focused and ready to compete.

In the first race, Nicole had an impressive start, quickly gaining three positions. Unfortunately, the group she was in lost the tow with the front pack, and Nicole ultimately finished in 16th place. Considering this was her first-time racing at Donington Park, it was a solid result.

Starting 18th again for the second race, Nicole didn’t have as strong a start, losing a position initially. However, she quickly settled into a rhythm and worked her way up to 14th, demonstrating her resilience and determination.

Nicole reflected positively on the weekend, stating, “Racing at circuits where you have limited opportunities to practice is tough, but the experience of competing with the best in the world is truly amazing. Each race teaches me something new, and I’m excited to keep improving.”

Nicole extends her heartfelt thanks to Andalaft Racing for their incredible efforts throughout the weekend, as well as to all the sponsors who make her racing journey possible. She also expressed deep appreciation for everyone who sent messages of support.

“Your support means the world to me. Thank you for believing in me and cheering me on every step of the way,” Nicole said.

Nicole now sets her sights on the next round of the championship, which will take place at the Autodromo Internacional do Algarve in Portugal from August 9th to 11th. She is eager to apply the lessons learned from Donington Park and continue her journey in the FIM Women’s World Championship.

Published by: Motorsport Marketing Services

Picture Caption: Nicole van Aswegen

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